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5 Ways To Love Your Donors

5 ways to show your donors love

Are you looking for ways to shower your donors with love for their support of your mission? Our donors want to be shown that they are loved and appreciated. They want to know that they are making an impact in the world. Showing your donors and love gratitude is one of the best ways to build a healthy relationship. 

5 Ways to Love Your Donors

No matter what time of year it is, it is always the perfect time to show your donors some love. If you wait until the end of the year or right before your donor makes another gift, it may be too late. Engaging donors takes time, thought and purpose. Make your gratitude stand out. Be genuine and personal. A simple thank you can go a long way. 

Donor Thank You Call

Year-end giving is over. What do you do next? This is the perfect time to get your board involved. Often times your board is resistant to fundraising because they think they just have to be involved in the asking part of the donor relationship cycle. However, it will go a long way to have your board chair or other board members call donors who give over a certain amount. 

At least once or twice a year engage your board in a thank-a-thon. Give them a script that they can use and ask them to keep track of the answers so you can add them to your donor database. Your donors will be surprised that they are simply receiving a “thank you, you are making an impact phone call.” We need more of that in our world anyways! 

 Handwritten Thank You Note

Call it old school but there is nothing more valuable than writing a simple handwritten thank you note. I was with a past board member the other day and she was telling me how much it means to her when she receives a handwritten note. They are so few and far between nowadays. But when you show you take that extra effort, it shows that you actually care.

Be specific and acknowledge what they have given to and how they have made a difference. You can also write cards for birthdays, holidays, get well, anniversaries or death of loved ones. Your donors will be touched that you were paying attention and care about them and their needs. 

Story of Impact

After a donor has given a gift and you have thanked them, report on how they are making a difference in the cause they are giving towards. Share stories from the field or program. To respect confidentiality you can change the names. Make sure you do not embellish the story too much. Make the donor the hero. Show them the need and how they are helping to solve it. This will help connect the donor directly to the impact they are making in the lives of those you serve. 

Thank You Video 

We all have smartphones nowadays. A video is a perfect chance to get your donor into the door of your program. These videos don’t have to be fancy. Show them in real-time what is happening on the ground. This is a creative and memorable way to show your donors love. It creates tangible donor engagement which can lead to a lifetime of giving.

Keep the thank you video short – no longer than three minutes. Show the impact that they are making. You can even film the people they are helping saying, “Thank you!” Here are some of my favorite examples:

Don’t just wait until someone gives to show them some love. Make this a regular habit so they know that your organization is being good stewards of their generous contributions. As they say, Ask, Thank, Report, Repeat.

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